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is xiaomi electric glasss kettle safe

This is a very common question nowadays, as utensils made up of various materials like stainless steel and plastic contribute to emerging health risks. The Xiaomi electric glass kettle are safest because a durable Borosilicate Glass is used in them which is made to withstand high temperatures and resist cracking. This glass is inert which means it is non-reactive and it won't leach any harmful chemicals or flavours into your boiling water. Usually, the kettles made with other materials contaminate hot beverages as the material begins to dissolve at higher temperatures. Contaminated water and beverages lead to severe health issues which can be prevented by using glass kettles.

Safety Features of Xiaomi Glass Electric Kettle

The Xiaomi manufacturers always keep in mind the fact that safety is the key feature of every electric appliance. To achieve this goal, the following features are introduced in the Xiaomi Electric Glass kettle:

  1. It features an automatic power shut-off after boiling. In this way, you are protected from spillage of hot water.
  2. It stops boiling automatically when dry-burning is detected. Stay peaceful so that if accidentally your hand gets burned, it will shut off by itself.
  3. The fuse protection is also installed in it.
  4. Safe-to-touch electric shock protection is also present.

Health Benefits of Electric Glass Kettles

  • The glass acts as a natural barrier to high temperatures or bacteria.
  • It retains natural flavours and locks the nutrition.
  • Glass kettles are easy to clean and reuse. Drink clean and healthy beverages whenever you want.
  • Glass is also environmentally friendly as it can be crushed, melted down and recycled.
  • The Borosilicate Glass enables you to enjoy odour-free beverages.

Do Glass Electric Kettles break easily?

Xiaomi Electric Glass kettles are made up of tempered glass which is quite durable. The kettle is resistant to both heat and cold so it does not break due to any temperature changes. It is also protected by a secure top and bottom so the glass remains firm and safe.


Experience Clear View of Boiling Water

The Xiaomi Electric Glass kettle adds to the aesthetics of your modern and classy kitchen. It will always give you a view of bubbling water. Its user-friendly features will make it your habit to use it all the time. Your tea and coffee needs have been made easier now as the Xiaomi electric kettle is super affordable. You can buy it for your office room as well and serve unlimited tea and coffee to your valued guests. The exceptional LED display indicates when water is fully boiled which saves your time. The glass also allows you to identify stains and clean the kettle properly.

Arrange Large gatherings without any hassle

The Xiaomi Electric Glass kettle is 1.7L large which means it can make 7 cups of any beverage at a time. So stop worrying about how to handle your guests efficiently. If you are on an important call and you want to have your afternoon coffee then you can do it with just one hand. The lid opens with just a touch so hold the kettle and pour it into your cup safely while talking. The ergonomic handle also prevents your hand from getting burned.

Save your time with the Xiaomi Glass Electric Kettle

Always choose the products which save your money, effort, time and energy. Xiaomi promises its valued customers to create innovation with sustainability. The glass kettle is one such example as it features 2200W high power output which makes it possible for you to serve 7 people in just 5 minutes. Your precious time is not wasted due to its efficient water boiling feature. You can finish your important chores of the day in time as you enjoy your tea in less than 10 minutes.

Strive for better Water Quality

The kettles used in the past also boil water properly and your desired purpose is achieved but they lacked premium features. One such feature is a removable filter which you can remove from the kettle and wash it thoroughly. You can then easily fix it back and enjoy clean and healthy water without any bacteria and dirt particles. This also ensures that you get an authentic taste without any unpleasant smell or residue. For better water quality, Xiaomi has introduced the latest thermostat with an updated thickened aluminium heating plate. This allows equal heat distribution throughout the kettle. The water is heated uniformly and becomes even healthier.

Wake up with a Smile

Many Asian people are habitual of starting their day with morning tea. They prefer to have it while they are still in the bed. The Xiaomi Borosilicate Glass electric kettle is so portable and lightweight that you can keep it on the bedside and make your day's first cup of tea convenient. Also, there is no risk of keeping it in the room or taking it with you while travelling due to its amazing safety features. It is travel-friendly as it is compact and you can make beverages and instant noodles wherever you go! Visit and order it now. They deliver authentic Xiaomi products to your doorsteps. They offer exceptional discounts and deals which are unmatchable to other tech stores in the market.

Wed Feb 14, 24

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