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Here’s a news for all Mi fans! Mobile Week by Daraz.pkis approaching so get your wallets ready! At mobile week, Mi fans will be able to get amazing discounts deal on their favorite smartphones.

What will be happening in Mobile Week?!                                                                        

In Mobile Week, invites its Top Brands to partner with it in this Flagship event to bring the top offers to the customers. With a combined effort from Daraz and the Xiaomi, they aim to provide value for money discounted deals for all of its Mi fans. Mobile Week will be going live on June 24that 12 amand will be ending on June 30th.

Xiaomi will be unleashing its smartphones like Mi 8 lite, Mi A2 lite, Redmi Note 6 pro (3/32 and 4/64), Redmi 6A, and how can we hold back “Smart logo ka smart phone” Redmi Go! All Mi fans will be having these phones at groundbreaking prices.

So Mi fansdon’t forget to visit official Xiaomi storeatDaraz.pkon June 24th. Mark a date on your calendar and get your wallets ready!


All products come with an exceptional After Sale Service by Smart Link Technologies, the leading distributor of Xiaomi in Pakistan.

Thu Jul 07, 22

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